Sunday, June 14, 2009

June 13, 2009: My First Triatholon

My First Triathlon, The Buster Britton Memorial Triathlon

I did it! The swim was hard. I honestly nearly swam to shore at the first buoy. I tried to swim like I practiced in the pool with my head down and turning up for a breath on every 4th stroke. But, I took in water from the waves everytime. And, I was really disoriented by all of the people and activity around me. Then, I noticed that I swam just to the right of the buoy, instead of the appropriate left side. Someone else had just done that and was going back, so I did to. Then, I had trouble getting back into the lane of people. I honestly considered just swimming for the shore. But, I didn't. I stopped trying to keep my face in the water and just swam. I only swam faster than 7 people, 4 men! So, at this point of the race I was in 470th place overall and 340th for male finishers.

Then, the ride started. I was never passed by anyone. I passed literally 10's of people. Then, came the run. Again, I was never passed by anyone. I passed quite a few, but fewer than on the bike. I finished as the 237th male. Not bad for my first one if you ask me. I will definitely be taking some swimming lessons. I had a great time and I want to do this again.

My wife and son did a great job encouraging and enabling me to prepare and do this. They ventured out in the rain with me to take pictures of my first experience. I love them and they are awesome.

The pictures from flickr:

2009 Buster Britton Memorial Triathlon


June 13, 2009: Birmingham, AL
Buster Britton Memorial Triathlon
Time: 1:25:43
SwimDistance: 400 Yards Time: 11:07
TransitionTime: 4:13
CycleDistance: 13.1
Time: 44:46
Rate: 17.56
TransitionTime: 2:11
RunDistance: 3.1 Miles
Time: 25:38
Pace: 8:16
WeatherClear Temperature-57° Humidity-67%


kate said...

Yeah Bob! You rock--and your family does too for hanging out in that AWFUL weather (and getting some great pics). Kudos to them--and to you for doing so well in your first tri!

The swim is always the worst part (I think).

Anonymous said...

cool...the best part was nobody passed u in the last two parts of the race...great as the first timer...cheers !!